Internal Education Quality Assurance Commission

Internal Education Quality Assurance Commission (QA)

Silpakorn University Central Library maintains a policy focused on continuous improvement in service quality systems, aiming to achieve the utmost efficiency in services while remaining open to embracing innovations. The Board of Directors is committed to promoting the implementation of suitable technologies to modernize the service system. Moreover, it supports the development of personnel, fostering knowledge, competence, courtesy, and a service-oriented mindset as an ongoing effort.

All library executives and personnels will collaborate to adhere to this policy and will refine service procedures as part of the quality system, with the goal of consistently meeting the satisfaction of Library service users. This aligns with the Central Library's motto: "the source of knowledge of the university, Move forward with technology, Service with goodwill, Bring good things to the community."

The Central Library, a source so grand,
Move forward with technology, hand in hand. Service with kindness, our mission we embrace,
Bringing good things to the community, leaving a trace.

Education Criteria for Performance Excellence (EdPEx)

Board Meeting report regarding the Central Library's Internal Education Quality Assurance Commission

A brief overview of the survey findings related to satisfaction with library services.

The Central Library of Silpakorn University Flowchart


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