
Electronic Theses

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https://my.openathens.net - to login to utilize the online database. 

[User Guide]

Silpakorn University Repository (SURE)

SURE (Silpakorn University Repository) is an archive and dissemination of academic work, research, thesis, as well as art works by faculty members, researchers, students and staff of Silpakorn University in digital form.

Thai Digital Collection (TDC)

Thai Digital Collection (TDC) is a full-text thesis collection from over 160 Thai higher education institutions and agencies, with a focus on thesis information and research. Currently, there are over 58,000 different types of information in the systems as digital documents.

Proquest Open Access Theses and Dissertations

Proquest Open Access Theses and Dissertations is a database of theses (doctoral and master's theses), also from doctorate programs in the United States and Canada. Some educational institutions from throughout the world are included.

EBSCO Open Dissertations

a database of over 500,000 full-text (open access) theses from 25 universities around the world that can be accessed by searching directly at https://biblioboard.com/opendissertations/ or searching on EDS (EBSCO Discovery Service) on the library's website and filtering the Content Provider (left hand menu) as OpenDissertation.

Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)

It is a collaboration of international organizations which gathers, stores, and disseminates dissertations from over 200 universities worldwide. Capable of searching for both abstracts and full thesis documents (PDF).

Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD)

Open access thesis search resources from over 1,100 globally published colleges, universities and research institutes.

DART-Europe E-theses Portal

Database of open access theses from over 570 universities in 29 European countries.


Since the academic year 2015, the Graduate School of Silpakorn University has started storing graduate theses in the Dspace system as a repository of theses information and to enable users simply and swiftly. Thus, such systems allow professors, scholars, students, and other interested parties to search for theses information.


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