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The Central Library of Silpakorn University




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Books inside the Library


years of Establishment

Thapra Palace Library

In 1976, Silpakorn University inaugurated its inaugural university library at Thapra Palace. Housed within Thapra Palace President's Office, as a divided department of the Central Division, Silpakorn University. The Library shared space with other departments located behind the Silpa Bhirasri statue. At that time, the library's service area was limited to approximately 50 square meters.

Sanamchandra Palace Library

Silpakorn University constructed a new library and expanded the campus to Sanamchandra Palace in Nakhon Pathom Province in 1968. Under Sanamchandra Palace President's Office, The library was just a divided department, holding books, an audio library, and audiovisual media and materials. Sanamchandra Palace Library was operating from a temporary office on the ground floor of Tabkaew Building 1 (A1), with a serving area of approximately 200 square meters. Sanamchandra Palace Library was relocated to a 2-storey building in 1976. Later, the library was relocated to a new 4-storey building, which became the library's current location in 1993. Later, in 2002, Sanamchandra Palace expanded the additional service area to a new structure, M.L.Pin Malakul Building.

Phetchaburi IT Campus Library

Silpakorn University expanded the institution into Petchaburi IT Campus in the Academic Year 2002, in order to give proper schooling as required in the 8th National Education Development Plan, and designed and amended the Phetchaburi IT Campus Master Plan (B.E. 2545-2549). On May 17, 2002, the Central Library established the Phetchaburi IT Campus Library, using the 3rd floor of the school building as an office. Responsible for technological operations and service management at the Thapra Palace Library. In 2006, the library relocated to the first and second floors of the academic building. 


Silpakorn University Archives

Silpakorn University's Central Library not only offers library services across all three campuses but also manages the Silpakorn University Archives Project, which functions as a department within the university's internal division. This addition to the Central Library's mission was implemented in May 1998, as outlined in the resolution from the Dean's Meeting No. 7/1997.

In accordance with the Dean's Meeting resolution No. 1/2013 on January 9, 2013, and the Silpakorn University Official Announcement on the Establishment and Division of Departments under the Supervision of Silpakorn University (No. 19) in 2013, disclosed on January 9, 2013, the status of the Silpakorn University Archives Project has been upgraded to a department under the Central Library's oversight. It is officially known as "Silpakorn University Archives or SU Archives."


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