

The Central Library is committed to effectively serving users informational resources, storage, and services.




The Central Library supports and promotes the quality of learning, teaching, research, and academic services to society, as well as preserves art and culture, which is the main mission of Silpakorn University.



The Central Library serves as the centre that is borderless and creative, adhering to both national and international standards.

Corporate Value

The vision of Silpakorn University Central Library's Director in 2020 is that the Central Library serves as the centre that is borderless and creative, adhering to both national and international standards.


Service Mind

(The Central Library has a service mind.)



 (We are united.)



(We support learning.)



(We always seek inspiration for creativity.)



(We are open and boundless.)


The Central Library is the centre of library services and educational technology of Silpakorn university. We collect, store, and provide audiovisuals and materials to students, staffs and various departments of the university, as well as outsiders. We promote the production of media and information on Thai arts and culture, as well as building a network and coordinate with partners and stakeholders both domestically and internationally to improve the quality of service and other obligations as assigned.

Strategic Plan 2020-2024, the Central Library of Silpakorn University

The strategic planning for the Central Library Silpakorn University 2020 - 2024 consists of the following objectives


To develop the potentiality of the Central Library to have a proactive operating model


To develop an effective operational approach and facilitate the management of the university


To determine the direction of the Central Library in order to ensure consistency and alignment with the university’s policy, as well as to conduct an effective evaluation

Strategies, Strategic Goals, and Indicators

In order to drive the vision and mission of the Central Library to be successful, the Central Library has set strategic issues for converting plans into practice by classifying 5 strategic themes as follows:

Results of Operations According to Strategic Issues and Indicators of the Central Library for the Annual Budget in 2023

1. The Objective Outcomes/Indicators And Action Plan for the Annual Budget of 2023

Strategies/Strategic Goals/Policies/Indicators Unit of Measurement Goals 6-month KPls Cycle Performance by Year (EdPEx)
1. Number of students / learners / trainers who have been trained and have learnt through participating in training activities / learning resources and access to media in the form of lifelong learning People 2,000 27,411 30,617
2. Percentage of personnel who have been developed and have various skills as purposed (executives / academics / administrative officers) Percent 80 100 100
3. Percentage of faculties/departments (excluding the office of the President and the office of the University Council) that passed the assessment on supervision and good governance level A (85 percent or more) Percent 90 88.51 88.51
4. Number of projects to reduce costs or develop digital platforms to increase management efficiency (such as paper reduction projects, energy saving projects, etc.) Projects 5 8 14
5. Percentage of support personnel who have developed various skills to achieve multiple skills in work Percent 65 100 100

2. Silpakorn Strategy-based Tasks/The Primary Focuses of the Central Library Development Plans

Strategies/Strategic Goals/Policies/Indicators Unit of Measurement Goals 6-month KPIs Cycle Performance by Year (EdPEx)
Strategy 1: To have the allocation of information resources to be up-to-date, sufficient and easy to access information by being able to link resources both inside and outside the organisation without boundaries (borderless resources)
1.1 Percentage of information resources used after procurement in the previous annual budget Percent ≥85% 72.53 81.95 (Still in progress for the annual budget)
1.2 Number of internal and external agencies/network cooperation Place 1 9 16
1.3 Increased percentage of access to information resources online   (See details...) Percent 15 15 >41 (7.1 A, Section 9)
Strategy 2: Creating a borderless knowledge space
2.1 Number of development/improvement of areas for physically learning Place 1 4 5
2.2 Number of content development and digital content creation published through online media Cases 12 160 160
2.3 The level of user satisfaction with the learning area Mean >3.75 4.51 4.28
2.4 Percentage of increased users of learning areas Percent 1.5 68.49 68.49
2.5 The percentage of the increment of access to content published through online media Percent 2.5 44 44
Strategy 3: Creating knowledge connections within the Silpakorn community to external communities in order to help create a borderless learning society
3.1 Number of community service projects Projects 2 6 28
3.2 Number of events/short courses Event/Course 1 7 12
3.3 Satisfaction of services, events/short courses Mean ≥3.70 4.69 4.57
Strategy 4: Systematic management of data storage and intellectual repository and meeting international standards by allowing everyone to access information freely (borderless open resource)
4.1 The number of increment of records in the data storage system and the intellectual repository system Records 550 445 445
4.2 Number of access to data storage system and intellectual repository Times 5,500 1,645,297 1,645,297
4.3 Having a data storage system that can be accessed in the form of one stop service Percentage of success 100 100 100

3. The Primary Focus-based Tasks/Important Issues on Development Plans and the Drives for Disruptive Circumstances During the Fiscal Year 2023

Strategies/Strategic Goals/Policies/Indicators Unit of Measurement Goals 6-month KPIs Cycle

Performance by Year ( EdPEx)

Focus 1: Internationalisation (participation in driving university rankings)
1. Number of new learning resources that support the development of the environment to develop the atmosphere and progress internationalisation Learning resources 3 3 3
2. Satisfaction scores of service recipients in learning resources that support environmental development in accordance with international atmosphere (new learning resources developed in item 1) Mean 3.51 4.83 4.83
3. Percentage of budget used to purchase resources and maintain libraries in relation to the total budget of the Central Library Percentage 10 18.18 18.18
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